Sunday, March 29, 2020

Four Sanskrit poetry books by Dr Himanshu Gaur

 Author: Dr.Himanshu Gaur

 First Edition: February 2020


 KaavyShrih -

 It is a Sanskrit poetry book originally composed by Dr. Himanshu Gaur which has four parts.  The first part contains verses of Sanskrit poems, the second part contains a collection of Sanskrit songs, the third part is a compilation of prose-poems and the fourth part is a collection of some long-verse verses.  In this poetry book, the poet has written poems on various subjects, introducing his talent and original thinking.  In this way, it is a very important and succulent, emotional and knowledgeable poetry book in Sanskrit language.

 Author - Dr. Himanshu Gaur

 Language - Sanskrit

 First Edition / February 2020

 ISBN - 978-81-943558-1-6

 Page number - 105

 Copies - 200 /

 Price - Rs 100 only

 Publisher - True Humanity Foundation



 VandyaShrih - This is a Sanskrit poetry in which the poet has written Vandana and Abhinandan verses Sanskrit-poetry.  It consists of five Pallavas (volumes), in which the Ashtakadi Stuti-Kavya, Shlokatika birthday-greetings-messages for some people, Vividhakavakhanda, greetings of scholars and Mahatmas and tributes to the departed (dead) people were written as Sanskrit-shlokas.  is .  Although it is a poem related to Vandana, Abhinandan and Shraddhanjali, but it also contains many facts related to scriptures, Puranas etc. and the poet's own basic vision and contemplation.

 Author - Dr. Himanshu Gaur

 Language - Sanskrit

 First Edition / February 2020

 ISBN - 978-81-943558-3-0

 Page number - 115

 Copies - 200 /

 Price - Rs. 110 only /

 Publisher - True Humanity Foundation




 BhaavShrih - This is a book in which the poet has written Sanskrit shloka sentimental letters to many scholars, friends, poets.  Since in this book, the poetic spirit is Shri (prosperity), hence the name of this poem is Bhavashree.  The verses of this book discuss various types of subjects.  It is a scholarly treatise filled with the joy of scripture and the world, which reveals the various emotions of the poet's mind and shows the poet's ability to think in many scriptures, subjects and situations.  Many types of verses, rasa, ornaments etc. have been used in this book.  In this way, it is a simple and easy to read and also a virtuous and readable book.

 Author - Dr. Himanshu Gaur

 Language - Sanskrit

 First Edition / February 2020

 ISBN - 978-81-943558-2-3

 Page number - 160

 Copies - 200 /

 Price - Rs 120 only /

 Language: Sanskrit

 Publisher - True Humanity Foundation



 PitriShatkam - This is a soulful poem of hundred verses of Sanskrit written by Dr. Himanshu Gaur.  Father is discussed in its hundred verses.  It depicts the father-son relationship and speaks of the glory of the father.  It is a tribute to poetry.  It is a poem filled with love and trust in the father-son relationship.  There are many types of rasas, verses and ornaments in this poem, and it is completely original and an inspiring poem filled with respect, love, faith towards the father.

 Author - Dr. Himanshu Gaur

 Language - Sanskrit (including Hindi expressions)

 First Edition / February 2020

 ISBN - 978-81-943558-4-7

 Page number - 55

 Copies - 200 /

 Price - Rs 50 only /

 Publisher - True Humanity Foundation



 #Bhavshri #Vandyshri #Kavyshri #Pitrishatkam

 #Bhavashree #Vandyashree #KavyaSri #Pitrishtakam

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