Author - Dr. Himanshu Gaur
Language - Sanskrit
First Edition / February 2020
ISBN - 978-81-943558-2-3
Page number - 160
Copies - 200 /
Price - Rs 120 only
Good wishes
Bhavashree is a book in which the poet has written letters to his gurus, poets, scholars and some friends in Sanskrit verses.
Here the letter is not only a name, but from a critical point of view, the poet has presented his scholarship, talent, thinking, imagination and moral knowledge in a poetic manner.
And here the letter does not just mean to write your own movements or to ask others, but also about the specific thinking emanating from time to time in the heart of the poet, of the specific emotions, of social consciousness, of nature, of contemporary thinking, The present irony, here, the poet has expressed his genius in a very miraculous way, while presenting his talent.
While the Sanskrit verses are fragmented on the one hand, portraying many facts in a very efficient manner reveals the peculiarity of the poet.
The shlokarpari poems in the letters in this Bhavashree Granth seem as if a waterfall in a secluded and quiet forest is giving rise to the melodious music that falls and falls.
In these poems, you will find literary elements in abundance and facts related to subjects like Yatra-Tatra, Tantra, Grammar, Purana, Bhakti etc. will also be visible to you. You will see in it how the poet's thinking power wanders in a strange world, he has manifested himself in this poem in many forms like -
Himanshwarvushyudhranto wrote the letters
That is, here Himanshuji, who is the author himself, is saying, O Jainendra! This Vimana, who is Himanshu, wanders in many worlds in dreams, and is writing this Naikbhavashishtha letter to you as if it is in the winds (Uttaranya delusion: ie, flying or wearing an air body).
Similarly, the poet has introduced his original and very specific thinking in many places! Such contemplation, which always states that the talent of the poet is extremely unique and different. For example, see what the poet has imagined about the many thoughts running in his mind -
Asmachitteshu ko or nashishivo bhutva pravegavan.
That is, the poet had such a pleasurable experience with the aroma of the bilvapatra, he felt the aroma of the bilvapatra in his mind, that he imagined it -
Who is this in our mind, who is running the thoughts of Shiva (welfare factor),
Which is a flow of imagination at a very fast pace, as if it is stained with the aroma of Belpatra juice. This is the meaning of this verse.
Such specific thinking reflects the bizarre world of the poet's imagination.
Even from the point of view of literature, even with the use of many verses, ornaments, rasa, etc., this Bhavashree text becomes very interesting and readable.
This book also plays a major role for grammatical students because the poet has used many types of suffixes, tadhit, samas krndanta tantra etc., and it is a beneficial thing for the students of vocabulary that from this book Karmavachaya and kar karvrvachaya and emotional expression can also be learned easily, because the poet has used them very often. This book can also prove to be very useful for learning cognitive methods.
There are more than 850 verses in this book, due to which its form is wide. Therefore, the reader will be able to take full advantage of the complete knowledge contained in the book only after studying it. In fact, this book is also no less than an epic in itself. As you see Purna Chandrashastri is an epic poem, named Aparajitavadhukavayam, it has 10 cantos and there are 400 verses in the whole book - in this sense, the importance of this Bhavashree text is no less than any epic. Here, like a storyline, or a hero-heroine of an epic, it does not rely on a particular character, but each verse brings a new emotion, a new joy. Therefore, it has a special significance in the modern poetry world.
This book is particularly beneficial for researchers. If the researchers of literature are pursuing a critical or literary view of this book, it will be very new and beneficial. Because in the critical study, the inauguration of many classical and social and anxious aspects of poetry will definitely be followed by different thinking in Sanskrit, by subduing them in Bhavabhidhi, reputed in Shastra Seva and moving in a specific way of thinking.
I express my heartfelt thanks to Acharyavar for writing such an inspiring, cordial, passionate, shastra-majestic, Shaivabha-differentiated text, and by achieving this Bhavashree we should all become Srivimind with the same sentiments, including the best wishes for the book.
Pandit RaghuvarDas Shastri
Head of theology department and ritual experts
Ramnami Brahmacharyashram College Ghaziabad (U.P.)
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